I'm expecting great things. | November 2020 Love Note

"There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off." - Proverbs 23:18

It's Election Day. Whew, chile. As we wait expectantly for the results of this year's U.S. election, and as we move into the final few months of what's been a really tumultuous year, I am set on expecting the best in the weeks and months ahead. Regardless of what the year on the calendar says, or who is in the Oval Office, I am expecting great things. Here's how:


There is power not only in the words that we speak, but in our thoughts. When you feel yourself beginning to speak, think, or project a negative thought about this year, or this season, or whatever is currently causing you angst -- simply interrupt that thought. Literally, stop yourself mid-thought or mid-sentence and gently correct yourself. Before you can finish the statement "2020 is trash and I -- " interrupt it with a thought about all the great things that are yet to come as a result of what you've experienced this year, or challenge yourself to think of at least 3 good things that have happened to you, for you, or because of you this year! 


Look forward. I know that I talk about being present all the time -- and its important that we do so -- but being expectantly hopeful for the future is a great exercise that benefits us right now. Hope gives us joy in anticipation, endurance in difficulty, and courage when we are faced with trouble. There is always a reason to look forward even in the face of loss, trouble, turmoil, or a disappointing outcome. There is always something good to look forward to.


All of this doesn't mean that we shouldn't acknowledge the validity of our feelings. Listen to your inner voice, and take the time to acknowledge and process your feelings and fears. Listen to others, too, and don't shut them down even if it's with positive intent. Instead, if what they need in that moment is for someone to empathize, or to say "that's valid" or "I understand," be that listening ear. Often times, all we need is for someone to say nothing at all and just listen.

In what ways have you been intentional about expecting and believing for the best lately? Or have you? If not, I want to challenge you to speak life, seek gratitude, and expect the best in tough times. And as always, I hope that you are tuned in to the podcast. This season's topics have been amazing, and we have some SUPER guests lined up -- so tune in or catch up! 


Maaden Eshete Jones