start here.
Take a step on your personal journey towards a life of healing. A life without fear, isolation, and self-doubt. A life of honesty, vulnerability, and peace.
Start here to design that life, to do that thing you’ve had on your heart, to share your story, and to connect with people in a way that’s deep and real. Here is where excuses and overthinking stop, and fearless living begins. So call up a few friends, put some food on the table, and start here.
decision guide
decide if this is right for you
“I love the concept of healing through hospitality, and I want to learn more. I’m still not quite sure if I am the right person to do this, or if this is the right season for me.”
planning guide
prepare for your gathering
“I want to host a gathering but my house isn’t ready, I’m busy, and hosting people takes a lot. I need a step by step guide for how to make this happen without the overwhelm.”
gathering guide
facilitate your time together
“The invitations were sent, the table is set, and the people are coming . But I’m still not clear on how our time together should flow, or how to keep the conversation meaningful.”