Faith comes by hearing. | September 2020 Love Note
There's no way around it, things are tough right now. No amount of positive thinking, alone, can counteract the heaviness that we're all feeling. There's a lot of loss, and pain, and bad news. A lot of doubt and hopelessness.
And this built atop a foundation of chronic and ever-present stress and anxiety. We're tired, and distanced, and wearing all the hats. We're missing vacations, and family reunions, and hugs. And everything is virtual, and invasive, and exhausting.
We need hope. The Bible says in Romans 10:17 that, "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." We need God's Word now more than ever. So for the next 30 days, I am inviting you to pray with me every day. And to make it easier for us, I have put together a prayer calendar with all my go-to scriptures on hope and faithfulness.
Plan to pray with me? Wonderful! Respond to this email letting me know, so that we can hold one another accountable. Follow along on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter (@lovemaaden) and share with a friend!