Acceptance. | A Weekly Word 2022

Sometimes we use the term “seeking closure” as a pseudonym for what it is that we really want – one more conversation, getting the last word, regaining control or having our say. When in reality, closure isn't something that we get through someone else. Like so many things, it's an inside job. At its core, finding closure comes from an acceptance of what has happened.

Acceptance allows us to honor the transition away from what's finished into something new. It  provides us with the ability to go beyond our imposed limitations and uncover new possibilities.

Resting in God’s unconditional love and believing in His plans for me to prosper allow me to trust the outcome of my prayers around acceptance. Understanding that God knows what’s best for me encourages me to pray the hard prayer, just as Jesus did in Luke 22:42, “Not my will, but yours be done.”

Love, Maaden


 “’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’”

Jeremiah 29:11


God, help me to find acceptance, especially when it has been challenging for me to see your will over my own. Allow me to let go of what is no longer, in order to move forward. Help me not to replay selective scenes from the past, only remembering the good times. Help me, also, not to be so out of touch with reality that I dwell in delusion or denial. Instead, I submit to you with all knowledge that your plans for me are greater, higher, and better than anything I could imagine. Allow me to glorify you through all of my life experiences. In Jesus' name. Amen.


This week, I will allow myself to make room for what is yet to come by releasing what has already happened.