Xenodochy. | A Weekly Word 2022

The root word of xenodochy is the same as that of xenophobia, the Greek “xeno” means stranger. In the case of xenophobia, it’s a fear of those who are unlike us. It’s a word we hear in news stories of conflict at borders, racialized violence, and discrimination against migrants and refugees. Xenodochy, a much less frequently used word, is quite the opposite – it describes the warm and generous reception of strangers and foreigners.

Extending kindness to strangers is a Biblical truth that is mutually beneficial [see: Hebrew 13:2, Matthew 25:35, Leviticus 19:34, Romans 15:7]. Kindness towards others strengthens our sense of community and connectedness, two valuable tools on the journey toward healing and wholeness. It helps build cooperation, trust, safety, and camaraderie. It helps us to see others more positively and to practice empathy. It helps us to open our minds and hearts, becoming more well-rounded and balanced in our thinking, more just in our judgments, and more loving in our doing. It gives us a sense of accomplishment and alignment to know that we have done unto others, as we would have others do unto us. 

As with any practice, even if it is something we are already doing, there is certainly always room to go deeper. Ask yourself how you treat strangers, or even those who you know but may be different than you are. How do you receive those who look differently, believe differently, love differently, or sin differently than you do? Is there room to extend more warmth and greater generosity? If the answer is yes, and it likely is, make a commitment to push past your fears, prejudices and preconceived notions to love others without conditions.


Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it.

Hebrews 13:2


God, thank you for modeling true xenodochy in Your walk. Thank you for your charge to love others, rather than judge others. Thank you, Lord, for the ability to show hospitality to others through my everyday actions, and to be blessed by it. Help me to exercise generosity and grace. Help me to practice genuine kindness to strangers. Help me to extend love and lead with positive intention. And allow me to do it all for Your glory. In Jesus' name. Amen.


This week, I will practice extending kindness to strangers through small daily gestures. I will also give generously from what I have to someone who is different from me.

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