Gift. | A Weekly Word 2022

Gift giving is an act of love. A thoughtful expression that makes people feel cared for, encouraged, and seen. And while the act of gift giving is primarily intended to bring happiness to the recipients, witnessing a gift that we’ve given being appreciated often feels just as gratifying to us as the giver.

On the other hand, when a gift isn’t valued it can be disappointing. Despite our best efforts to be selfless givers, the idea that someone doesn’t want or use something that we’ve selected and given to them can offend, insult, and even hurt us.

Why is it then that even with the knowledge that “every good and perfect gift is from God,” we often waste the precious gifts that we’ve received from Him?

In his letter to the Corinthians, the apostle Paul outlines some of the varied spiritual gifts that the Spirit has given to individual believers, so that we might use them to benefit the common good. Gifts like counseling, teaching, leading by faith, healing, performing miracles, prophesying the future, discerning, and communicating with people of all backgrounds.

Consider whether you have a spiritual gift that you aren’t using. Reflect on what might be keeping you from using it. Whatever your reason, it pales in comparison to the risk of offending, insulting or even hurting a heavenly Father who loves us so much.

Love, Maaden


Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father who created the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

James 1:17


God, thank you for your Holy Spirit who is at work in our lives. Thank you for the variety of gifts that we have been blessed with. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you through these gifts, thank you for using ordinary people to carry out your work, and thank you for helping us all to benefit from one another. Help me to identify the gifts that have been imparted on me by your Spirit. Allow me to use my spiritual gifts for the common good and for Your glory. In Jesus' name. Amen.


This week, I will make a list of my natural inclinations and talents and identify which of those may be spiritual gifts. I will commit to exploring how to better use my gifts for the common good.

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