Surrender. | A Weekly Word 2022

Surrender is hard. It feels like giving up, like losing. In fact, it can be one of the most challenging aspects of practicing our faith, especially when it comes to our hearts’ deepest desires. Still, trusting that our Creator will work things together for our good is a vital truth. It's a truth that will carry us through loss, grief, disappointment and even devastation.

Even our most godly desires, those as dire as healing, as fruitful as motherhood, or as important as landing a job, require that we submit them to God’s will and then surrender to His way. As Christ himself modeled for us in Luke 22:42, surrendering to God’s way doesn’t always feel like a loving act of obedience that we are eager to practice. In fact, we can struggle with feeling unwilling to do so.

When the time approached for Christ to experience the cross, the Bible said He prayed earnestly, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me” before surrendering, “nevertheless, not my will, but yours be done.”

These feelings of doubt, discomfort and even unwillingness are normal and natural. To strengthen us, we should practice aligning our ideas and actions to the will of God daily. These 5 S’s will help to make proactive and daily surrender a part of our lives:

Start New. Start each day with a clean slate. Take time each morning to release every preoccupation thought, nagging worry, or “what if” fear from your mind.

Share. Invite God into your day, each morning. Share what’s on your heart. Do this in the morning and set the tone for your day. Acknowledge God. Honor His sovereignty. Thank Him. 

Study. Don’t just read the Word, but meditate on it. Even if it’s just a scripture a day, spend time with it, repeat it, look at alternate versions and translations, talk through it with others. 

Surround. We must have people who speak truth into our lives. Immerse yourself in community, and content that encourages you on your faith journey. 

Submit. Even with all this, life is hard. Continually submit your worries, thoughts, desires and ideas to God. Trust and believe that God loves you and that you are called according to his purpose. 


In all your ways submit to the Lord, and He will direct your path.

Proverbs 3:6


God, thank you for your will for my life. Thank you for assuring me that I can trust you with my life and my desires. Thank you, Lord, for having a plan for me that is greater than anything I can plan for myself. Help me to start fresh each day with you. Help me to share what is on my heart with you. Help me to surrender fully. And allow me to trust you to direct my path. In Jesus' name. Amen.


This week, I will submit a deep desire completely to the Lord. I will commit to practicing the five S’s as a daily act of faith, hope, and trust in God’s perfect will.