Gratitude. | March 2021 Love Note

I hope that the 21-day challenge for The Love Series was just as encouraging and timely for you as it was for me. I had no idea when I launched the challenge on January 1, just how different February 1 would look than I’d imagined.

Early that morning, I hit “publish” on the first episode of Season 3 of Love, Maaden: The Podcast and practiced my first act of loving God — praise — from a narrow recliner at my daughter’s bedside. My husband and I would spend the first half of the month living and working out of a small hospital room, while nursing our sweet girl back to health. I am happy to announce that by the grace of God our girl is now doing great! And I thank you all, immensely, for your generous prayers and for the incredible love that you have shown our family.

And while I’m not sure what the next few months might hold, my plan is to lay low this March as I put the final touches on the next series, which — God willing — will drop on April 1 (my birthday!) and begin on May 1. This series is especially dear to my heart as it grew out of my difficult journey to motherhood. This series came out of the waiting, the wondering “why me?”, the loss, and the relentless desire to trust and believe even when things looked hopeless. I am so deeply humbled to be able to share it with you.

