Hopeful. | April 2021 Love Note

Today is my 38th birthday.

Two years ago, I celebrated my 36th as a brand new mom. After 4 years, and 4 miscarriages, the answer to our prayers was home in my arms. Sore, achy, and leaky I sat at our big wooden table with a handful of my closest friends, determined to celebrate both my birthday and my biggest blessing.

It was at that very table, that I’d gathered over the years with friends to break bread, and to get together and talk. It was at that table, with friends, that I’d process season after season of loss and grief and waiting on my journey to motherhood. Those moments around that table ultimately served as the inspiration for Love, Maaden, and as the origin story for the series that will launch a month from today on May 1st: The Hope Series.

As I look forward to May — and Mother’s Day — I cannot help but to think not only the sweet girl who calls me “mama”, but of the babies who no one knew but me.

Perhaps you can think of woman with a similar story, perhaps that woman is you? Or maybe the story isn’t about motherhood at all. Maybe you stand in need of hope for healing, love, freedom, strength, forgiveness or something else altogether. Whatever it is, I pray that the lessons in hope that I share over these 21-days will help you.

