Church. | A Weekly Word 2022

We are seeking something deeper and more purposeful. Mindfulness practices, online cycling communities, Bible studies, book clubs, and monthly meetups seek to address our human yearning for the same things – community and spiritual connection. 

We long for a sense of belonging, a sense of belief, and a sense of benevolence. Church, as we traditionally know it, has offered these things (and more) to so many of us. Yet, in almost every circle that I belong to, I hear of friends who no longer feel connected to church, who feel out of place or unsure, turned off or hurt, or who have simply fallen out of the practice of attending. 

The early churches throughout the New Testament typically took place in people’s private homes (see: Acts 1:13-14, 1 Corinthians 16:19, Romans 16:5, and Colossians 4:15). These small and often persecuted groups of people connected over bread and wine, shared truth and encouragement, gave thanks, prayed and praised together much like we do today. 

While it seems like fewer folks who I interact with are seeking the little “c” church as we know it, a great majority of us still deeply desire a more intimate connection to the big “C” Church – the body of believers.

More important than a physical building, or even a pastor, is the presence of God. By inviting the spirit of God into our gatherings and our group chats, we can congregate at our kitchen counters or commune at our dining tables, and know that God’s presence will be right there in our midst. The Bible says, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

With the knowledge of that truth, there is no reason that we cannot just have church – but be Church – right where we are.

Love, Maaden


“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

Matthew 18:20


God, thank you for your promise to be in our midst if we just gather together in Your name. Thank you for being a God who is not just for us, but who is with us. Thank you for giving us the power and authority to assemble in honor of You. Help me to step boldly into this gift, and to be intentional about inviting you into my life, my relationships, and my fellowship. Allow me to not just think of Church as a place to be, but as a way to be. Help me to be more and more like you. In Jesus' name. Amen.


This week, I will invite God into my time with my friends and loved ones. I will commit to becoming the church that I need, and that will also serve those around me.

Maaden Eshete JonesComment