Discipline. | A Weekly Word 2022

The word discipline doesn’t always move us in the way that words like affirmation or self-care might. For many, discipline conjures childhood memories of authority, punishment, and control. Even the lauded self-discipline evokes thoughts of 5:00 AM wake up calls, regimented meal prep, and planners waiting to be filled. Yet and still, this ever-elusive key ingredient to success is something that we desire.

Discipline’s etymological “cousin” disciple has a more palatable association with that of a teacher or philosopher, and in the Christian context a devoted follower of Christ. The Latin root word for both discipulus means student or learner, and the closely related disciplina translates to instruction or knowledge. To be disciplined, then, is to devote oneself to studying or learning a given branch of knowledge. To come to understand it so intimately that somewhere along the way we evolve from devoted student to teacher. 

I’ve felt called to study and pursue love in this way – the love of God, then self love and the love of others. The Bible, in Hebrews 12:11 says, “For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.”

By developing a discipline to practice love daily, I am not just equipping myself to show up as a better me but opening myself up to receive the peaceful fruit that comes from that practice. What are you pursuing so intently that you would not just be recognized as a devoted student of it, but as a teacher? What discipline will yield peaceful fruit in your life?

Love, Maaden


“For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.”

Hebrews 12:11


God, thank you for the peaceful fruit of righteousness. Thank you for being a God who is not just for us, but who is with us. Thank you for developing in us a desire to be in ​​right standing with You, and to adopt a lifestyle and attitude that aligns with Your will and purpose. Help me to hear from You about Your will and purpose for my life. Allow me to practice obedience and develop discipline in that area. Help me to be a devoted disciple of You. In Jesus' name. Amen.


This week, I will dedicate time to hearing from God about what area I need to be more disciplined in. I will commit to honoring God through my obedience and discipline.

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