Vulnerability. | A Weekly Word 2022

A vulnerability, by definition, is a weakness. It means exposing ourselves to the possibility of harm or rejection. However, in practice, being vulnerable requires our strength, emotional maturity, and self-awareness.

Most of us have learned to associate vulnerability with feelings of shame (read: fear). And many of us were explicitly taught not to allow ourselves to so much as appear vulnerable – this is especially true for men.

While it can feel uncomfortable, vulnerability helps us to strengthen key attributes that lay the foundation for our healing.

Authenticity. Vulnerability allows us to be our authentic selves. It frees us from wearing “the mask”, hiding our stories and our experiences, and pleasing others over honoring ourselves. 

Connection. Understanding and sharing our own feelings breaks down our defenses, and encourages others to do the same. Showing up authentically leads us to attract, and connect with, people who accept us for who we truly are. 

Courage. Vulnerability fights fear and builds confidence. We become increasingly resilient when we embrace who we truly are and what we are truly feeling. And we become increasingly courageous when we rely on God’s strength over our own. 

Humility. Acknowledging and accepting our weaknesses gives us the important perspective that we are not the end-all-be-all, but that we serve a God who is greater and higher than all our issues. It reminds us to decrease so that God’s presence and power may increase in our lives.

Love. Accepting our own vulnerability, helps us to build empathy for others. As a result, we are prone to being more understanding, gentle, willing to forgive, and able to give love.

Peace. Being vulnerable can help us to work through our emotions, improving our mental stamina. Acceptance over denial, and submission over control, of our issues, both help us to cultivate peace of mind.


Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.

2 Corinthians 12:9


God, thank you for our vulnerability. Thank you for those things that I perceive as weaknesses. Thank you, Lord, that your power is made perfect in our weakness. Help me to recognize the strength in my vulnerability. Help me to understand how you are glorified through my vulnerability. Help me to boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses. And allow your perfect power to rest on me as a result. In Jesus' name. Amen.


This week, I will acknowledge an area of my life where I consider myself to be weak or vulnerable. I will commit to admitting my need for God’s power to get me through it.