Day 6: Peace | Freedom & Flow 2025
It’s Day 6, and we’re still in it. Proud of you, friend.
If you’re reading this on the day it’s published—Saturday—then it might be your day off from work. While I’m off from work most weekends, I still find Saturdays to be this mix of anticipating rest but still having to be “on” for things from kids' birthdays and practices, to meetings and volunteering, to social events and catching up with friends. Most weeks, Saturdays end up being more packed than my weekdays.
So with that in mind, I especially wanted to start this day with a reflection on peace. I used to think that peace was just the absence of busyness or disturbance, but have realized that it’s something I need to intentionally seek and protect in spite of those things. Because, one thing’s for sure, there’s always a disturbance.
Guarding our peace—more than just finding it—requires mindfulness and action. I do this by carving out quiet time with God, avoiding triggers like the news and messy people, setting firm boundaries around my needs, and reminding myself to stand by those decisions that serve me best.
Life can pull us in a thousand directions and even knock us down with devastating blows when we least expect it: loss, illness, the sudden bombardment of news footage of pain and destruction. And that’s on top of the challenges and grievances that already come with adulthood. But God’s peace anchors us through it all. The truth is, we’ll never eliminate every stressor or solve every problem, so why not turn to God to learn how to find peace in the storm.
Today, ask yourself: What disrupts my peace? And how can I turn it over to God? Whatever it is, trust that God’s peace is available to you if you desire it. For a little extra help in practicing peace daily, my new Peace Practice Deck in now available in the Love Goods Co. shop with prayers, scriptures, and affirmations designed to help you center your heart and mind no matter what life brings.
“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4:7
Lord, guard my heart and mind with Your perfect peace. May Your peace settle my soul.
What disrupts your peace, and how can you turn it over to God today?
Create a peaceful moment today with worship, intentional deep breathing, or quiet reflection.
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Love, Maaden